
Know, first, who you are then adorn yourself accordingly


Last Thursday night I went out for my friend's birthday. It was a great girls night and my friend knew the band. I'm musically open to anything but 'american psych folk' isn't my thing. However I LOVED them!
 I'm usually more excited about a band if I can see them live, when you get to see the enthusiasm on their faces while playing. It doesn't hurt to be able to talk with them afterwards. And these guys are passionate about what they do.

 MEET: Lindsay Pitts - vocals, ukulele, keys, percussion    +
Cliff Usher - vocals, guitars, clarinet, percussion   =    Birdlips

video by Billy Hunt

the handpainted cover of the CD I purchased
It might not seem so in the video but they are both extremely tall. Giants compared to little 'ol me. Seriously I think Cliff is six feet and a half. Standing next to him without my heels with a little sad but my friends got a kick out of it.

Oh! Speaking of those heels, I'll post a pic of them. I knew what dress I wanted to wear that night and in my mind it went perfectly with silver heels but (GASP) I didn't have any silver heels. Yes, its possible out of the hundreds I own, no silver. I got these that day while thrifting with the lovely Lady K.


*Spell check is telling me thrifting isn't a word. True, its so much more. For me its a lifestyle

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